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EJS TreeGrid Gantt chart

Interactive DHTML Gantt chart by EJS TreeGrid. Supports dependencies (ss,sf,fs,ff), expected and real flow, completion percent, milestones, flags, resources, any zoom, editing, dragging. Also formulas, sort, filter, group, search, print, paging, AJAX


IncUpdate is the tool that helps you to add the professional web based updating system to your software product in 10 minutes and you needn't write a single line of code. As it is a developer tool, you can use it no matter what programming language.

PDF and SWF File Protection Software

PDF and SWF - The USB Flash Drive Copy Protection Software is used for encrypting all types of data, namely pdf, doc, xls, txt, pps, psd, xml, exe, scr and so on.


PDFtext - A dll for your pdf-files... Royalty free! All pdf-specs! Extract the complete text-content of pdf-files. As an automated text-export into a generated file. As clipboard-content. As a returning string. For all well known IDEs (.NET, too!).


Armaide is an integrated development system for writing software to run on the NXP LPC2000 family of ARM-based microcontrollers. The programming language used is Oberon-07, an evolution of Pascal and Modula-2.

Code Line Counter

Code Line Counter is a software to count lines of code in source or text files for Project Managers. Able to count all programming languages.Includes total counts and percentages for comments, blanks and source lines. Can create your own file types.

Code to FlowChart for Win7

Code to FlowChart is an automated flowchart generator for software developers and document writers. It analyzes the programming statements, loops then builds a diagram fully automated. Code to FlowChart helps users to understand complex system.


The easy way to create professional Help systems and documentation for web-based and desktop software applications. One manual, one file. A single source document for HTMLHelp (.CHM) and WinHelp (.HLP) output, and plain HTML for Web. No coding reqd.

Image To PDF

Image To PDF can directly convert dozens of image formats, such as TIF, JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, PSD, WMF, EMF, PDF, PCX, PIC and so on, into PDF format.

PHP AdminPanel - Control Panel Script

PHP Admin Panel (PHP AP) provides you access to the control features of your site as creating static or dynamical pages and allows your easily manage database tables with embedded PHP DataGrid.

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