Aspose.Cells is an XLS Java Spreadsheet SDK for spreadsheet reporting without using MS Excel. It supports all advanced features of data management, formatting, worksheet and charting. You can also export your excel files to HTML and PDF documents.
Aspose.Words is a Java component to read, write and modify a word document without using MS Word. It supports content & formatting manipulation, mail merge abilities, OLE objects, ActiveX controls in documents and support of DOC, HTML and XHTML.
Aspose.Pdf for JasperReports is a Java component to export reports from JasperReports and JasperServer to PDF format. It allows you to convert .jrxml reports to PDF; supports all reporting features and many chart layouts as well.
Aspose.BarCode for JasperReports allows developers to display high quality barcode labels on JasperReports that can be rendered further in BMP, JPG, GIF and PNG formats. It supports more than 25 barcode symbologies including Linear and 2D barcodes.
Aspose.Cells for JasperReports allows exporting reports from JasperReports & JasperServer to MS Excel XLS format. It is written purely in Java and a single provided JAR file can easily be deployed on the machines running JasperReports or JasperServer
Aspose.Slides for JasperReports is an external exporter for JasperReports that allows you to convert your reports in PowerPoint presentation (PPT) and slideshow (PPS) formats in your java applications. It supports JasperReports 2.0, 3.0 and higher.
Java Charting Library shipping with 100% sourcecode included. It offers 56 Chart styles, 38 mathematical functions and 20 Chart tools components for additional functionality. Supports Swing, SWT, Android, BlackBerry and major Java IDEs and Editors.
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