Many of us are put in the unenviable position of dividing people up into logical groups in a way in which everyone is happy. Harmony@Work can analyze a pool of people, and within seconds generate top quality groups.
Hex Editor II is a hexadecimal editor that helps an average PC user edit large files, containing non-textual data, safely and easily. Unlike other hexadecimal editors, Hex Editor II has two inbuilt plugins: hex calculator, and base converter.
Hex Editor Pro is a hexadecimal editor that allows an average PC user to quickly edit files, by providing him with intuitive interface and powerful tools. Unlike other hexadecimal editors, Hex Editor Pro features binary editor that can edit bits.
Hot CPU Tester Pro is a system health and stability tester. It tests CPU, and virtually all parts of motherboard for errors, bugs and defective components. It is a burn-in test with uniquely designed state of the art DefectTech engine.
Huge Clock is a very large digital clock. The black background covers everything including the task bar on the bottom. It has no frame so there are no borders. It shows the time, date, and day of the week. That is all it does. Just a clock.
Magic Matching Color is a tool for web developers and designers who need help in determining which color scheme to use on their projects. Magic Matching Color helps them by giving six matching colors to any given color.
Passwords are always at hand! Many people keep names and passwords in their memory. However, it is difficult to remember all the information if there is too much of it. The Password storage program My Password Manager will help unload your brain.
Manage your Windows startup and make your computer faster with this amazing tool. NitroBOOT is simple and intuitive, yet surprisingly powerful. You can disable programs from starting with Windows, delay their start, or confirm their start. Easy!
Password Director is a feture-rich password manager that provides a safe and secure way to keep all your passwords and sensitive records (such as PINs, private phone numbers and other sensitive records) in the single well-protected password database.
Password Generator is a software program to generate random passwords that contain a varied set of characters, including lowercase and uppercase letters as well as numerals.
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