Whenever your computer is connected to the Internet, it is opened up to attacks by anyone experienced with the Internet technology. One of the possible attacks is by using the Telnet protocol to log into your system. If successful, the attacker can gain complete control of your system. With the Imaginary Telnet Server running, he will be served a fake response which will prevent him from accessing any resources available on your system. The server will give him the impression that he has found a top secret military computer. But when he tries to log in, the server will offer humorous rejections. If he uses one of the password cracking programs and tries to log in persistently, the server will feed him a series of completely fake data for a while, making him think that he got in. After a while, the server will "discover" the intruder and kick him off. No matter how hard the attacker tries, he cannot log in to your system via Telnet. Use it by itself or alongside a firewall. the server runs in the background and stays out of your way completely. Full assembly language source is included, so it can also be used as a model for assembly language programming of Internet servers for Windows computers.
Download Imaginary Telnet Server 1.0
Download Imaginary Telnet Server 1.0
Publisher: Whiz Kid Technomagic
Size: 0.04 MB
OS: Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,WinXP,Windows2000
Install: Install and Uninstall