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uCertify 70-567-CSHARP UPGRADE: MCPD Web

Pass exam 70-567-CSHARP in first attempt. 267 questions with detailed explanation and 170 study notes. 70-567-CSHARP - UPGRADE: MCPD Web Developer to MCPD ASP.NET 3.5 study notes, articles and mock test. 99% pass rate, 100% money back guarantee. Bas

jalada Fractual

jalada Fractual is your program to generate fractal images. It generates color images of the most popular fractal - the Mandelbrot set - and also generates images of the associated Julia sets.

Learn peace love John Lennon p1

The wonderful lyrics of Jonh Lennon about peace and love should be studied in every school; texts of the famous English musician controversial through his political activism and poet of the profound human nature that needs peace and love...

Test Generator Software Business Edition

EPractize Labs Test Generator Lab for Test or Quiz Generation.

Test Generator Software Advanced Edition

EPractize Labs Test Generator Lab for Test or Quiz Generation.

Test Generator Software Standard Edition

EPractize Labs Test Generator Lab for Test or Quiz Generation.

Lucy's Globe

Lucy's Globe trains at the same time geographical and foreign language knowledge. The shareware program shows a colorful globe on the screen and in a puzzle like mode puts learners on the task to select the name and capital for the right state.


Satzzerlegung - Deutsch


German orthographical, grammatical, spell-checker

English into plain English M Translation

English into plain English machine translation

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