Time tracking application for personal and company-wide time collection and project management.
Profit Contribution Breakdown identifies the components of your business profit. This component performance is combined with indicators for future potential and business ability to identify areas that will maximize current and future performance.
ProKalc is a full featured scientific calculator featuring a scrolling tape and 15-digit accuracy. Integrated help is available through a unique hot-key interface.
PropertyAnalyzer projects the return on investment (ROI) over a 30 year period for a rental property based on 20 income and expense inputs that you provide. This analysis includes configurable annual income and expense increases. Free 30-day trial.
Calculate the optimum number of customer service points (staff) to minimize costs for your business. Identify the impact of changes in service staff, the number of customers waiting, their average waiting time, and service point (staff) utilization.
Quick To-Do Pro is an award-winning small and easy-on-use Personal Information Manager for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP. Its main duty is to track your daily to-do list. Quick To-Do Pro can also act as project-management software, diary and remider.
QuickRef Project Assistant is the answer to all your record keeping and reporting needs. Whether you are working alone or in a group, it tracks time, expenses, to-do and to-buy items, and keeps all of your notes organized and easy to find.
Race driver and race car management for auto racing, karting and 4WD. Track all your sessions - practice, qualifying, or a race - and save data on tire temps, tire pressures, oil, water, gearing and shock/spring settings. Ideal for multi-car teams.
Quickly build a database to manage and track requests made by customers. Easily search the database of past problems and solutions. Output your data to reports, html pages or export to other software.
Reservation Master is a reservations software package developed for use in Hotels, Motels, Guest Houses, B&Bs, Lodges & Inns worldwide.
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